Friday, February 23, 2007

Please Help Us...

I've been sitting here trying to figure out how to start this blog for hours now. I've never done anything like this before so it has been difficult. I guess I'll get right to the point.

My family needs your help desperately. I've set this blog up to ask anyone who visits to donate any dollar amount to help save our home, our car and hold off other creditors until we can get back on our feet financially.

I did a lot of research before deciding to do this. It seems there are quite alot of "cyber-panhandlers" out there asking for money. Some seem very sincere while others are very, well, lets just say bold. I hope that you will find our cause in the "sincere" category and help us with your generosity as we so desperately need it. Naturally, there will be those critical of this method and I can understand that. If you are one of the few who aren't, I hope that you will donate something to help us.

So if you have managed to read this far and wish to know a little bit more about us to help you dip into your pocket, I invite you to read on and I will explain how we came to this low point in our lives and why we are asking for money.

A Brief History...
Just so that you know, I have worked since I was 15 years old. I point this out because I want you to understand that I am not a stranger to hard work.

After high school I entered the military (USMC) and served 5 years as a Helicopter Technician. I served my country in the first Gulf War proudly and was honorably discharged in 1993. My first job was with a start up and recognizing the importance of computers in business I began my career in IT that would span the next 10 years. Those ten years would prove to be rocky but I would gain a multitude of knowledge that helped me progress through the ranks. I say rocky because every company and I mean every company that I would end up working for would be sold at some point forcing me to change employers. During my last stint with an IT related company, I managed to work my way into a management position which I had hoped would solidify my tenure should anything happen again. I was wrong and the company downsized and despite my efforts to prove I was worth keeping around, I was still management and considered excess "fat" that needed to be trimmed. It was just as well as the company was sold a year later anyway and all of my comrades were let go as well.

One important note I would be remiss if I didn't mention is that along the way, I met my beautiful wife and we have 4 wonderful children. My wife has been my rock throughout my many lay offs and has stood by my side during some of the roughest points of my career. As you may expect, being laid off so many times takes a toll on your ego and she was always there to help mend my emotional wounds.

In 2003, after my last lay off, It occurred to me that I wasn't really getting anywhere working so hard for all these company's only to be dropped on the chopping block despite my dedication. It was at this point I decided to make the leap into self employment. A huge risk given that we didn't have much money but it seemed the natural choice given my shaky track record working for other people. It had been my dream to own my business anyway; something I could build and leave for my children.

I wish I could say my luck changed at this point but sadly, it did not. Over the past four years we have struggled to stay afloat. We have owned two businesses over the past. The first being an attempt at a mobile coffee business. Unfortunately, the money ran out much more quickly than we anticipated and it never got off the ground. My second venture was at the suggestion of a family member who was a locksmith. After a bit of research it seemed like this could be the niche' I was looking for. So we titened the belt yet again and I trained to become a locksmith. Things seemed to be going in the right direction and I eventually formed a partnership with the aforementioned family member. This would mark my biggest mistake and spiral us to where we are now; financially ruined.

I'm not going to turn this into a bashing forum against my partner, the truth is, it's probably my fault more so in that I let it go on for too long. Needless to say, he couldn't have been a worse choice for a partner. He continually took more than his share of profits. His luck seemed worse than mine which resulted in his need for more money just to be able to continue working at all. The list goes on and on yet the result in retrospect seemed inevitable; the company is debt up to the hilt and I'm left holding the bag. I still believe in the potential of this company, however, unless I had the funds to continue on my own, relying on nobody else but myself, It is not possible at this point.

And so here we are. We have about $700 dollars in our bank account and very little hope left. I am desperately trying to find a job anywhere. I have resume's posted on Monster and CareerBuilder. I scour the newspapers every day and apply with those that fit. If you have looked for a job recently, you will understand the dilemma I am facing. I haven't worked a regular job in almost 4 years. In the IT arena, that might as well be 20 years so I'm not very marketable. Everyone else looks at my resume' and says "What the hell do you want a job here for?" resulting in "Um, you are way over qualified for this position. I just don't think you would be happy here."

We are behind in everything - house, car, water & gas, electricity, etc. Groceries are on an as absolutely need basis. We stick to the essentials. We will try and make the last $700 stretch but I'm not sure for how long. We have no medical insurance so my prayers are filled with pleas to protect my childrens health. My wife and I have discussed welfare; something both of our prides are struggling with. I suppose we have no choice although we don't even know where to start. We know we have to though.

You may have noticed that I haven't mentioned our names or supplied any pictures. I am very hesitant to do so. The protection of my family is critical to me. Maybe that makes it hard to donate to someone who wont reveal who they are. You must understand that there are many strange and dangerous people out there and my decision to not show or give our names is only for my families safety. If you a adamant about knowing more before donating, you can request it via email at and we'll go from there.

I beg of you, of anyone to please help us. We naturally will accept any amount you can afford to give. All donations can be made through PayPal and can be done so with credit card or even e-check. I will post our progress for as long as we have internet access. Also, if you would like to leave a comment please feel free to do so. Please do not leave negative comments, we are in a bad enough place as it is without being bashed virtually as well. If you don't agree with our cause we ask that you simply move on and refrain from verbal negativity.

Thank you so much in advance for your generosity and God Bless...

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